Veritanism - Arkhos Winter

The world is a dark tunnel, and I'm trying to find the light.


The Basic Beliefs of Veritanism

I'm migrating this page to Fandom

Part 1: Core Beliefs

If you have these beliefs, you are a Veritan; if you don't, you are not.

    The ultimate goal of Veritanism is to find truth. These beliefs are only because they are the most likely or convenient. If, in the future, these beliefs contradict truth, choose truth.
    There is only one consciousness in all of existence, and it will possess every being that will ever exist. (Like Andy Weir’s “The Egg”)
    The ultimate purpose of existence is to escape suffering. The universe is a prison, as it causes suffering to the consciousness, and therefore our sole purpose is to find a way out.
    Escape cannot be done individually (see #1), but only as a whole. We don’t know how to escape the universe, which is why we must come together and find a way.
    Since the universe operates through the laws of science, we must not engage in superstition, but use material science to solve things. However, science right now does not explain the existence of the consciousness, and the gap must be filled as soon as possible.
    The material brain’s desires is in a forever conflict with the consciousness, and must be suppressed or erased if the consciousness wants to awaken.
    Current civilization (and the various factions in it) are perpetuating a lifestyle that benefits the material brain, and must be replaced with a civilization that benefits the consciousness.

Part 2: Theology

This is mostly an artistic addition (as this school of thought is secular), and not to be taken literally.

    The Principles (gods) are concepts that shape existence. They are not sentient beings, but rather natural forces.
    The Principle of Existence is the first cause. It exists because a law incomprehensible to humans mandates so.
    The Principle of Chaos was created from nothingness and is responsible for the corruption of the universe from its original, perfectly ordered structure.
    There are infinite universes, the ones at the top being nearly perfectly ordered and the ones at the bottom being completely chaotic.
    The reason why the consciousness exists is because it was sent to purge all the universes of chaos.
    Once the consciousness has managed to live through every life in the universe and purge the current universe of chaos, it will move up to the next universe.
    Once all universes are cleared of chaos, the consciousness will cease to be trapped inside reality and return to the state of peace it once was in.

Part 3: Lifestyle

    Most people ignore the call of existential dread and stay under “the veil”. Only a few lift the veil and are not scared enough to cover themselves back up again.
    The ultimate goal for everyone is to help figure out how to clear the universe of chaos and escape it.
    This cannot be done if the material brain’s desires are put first, so they must be tamed by and subservient to the consciousness.
    Eliminating materal desire completely cannot be done in the civilization we are currently living in, so a new one must be built for it to happen.
    Before that is done, we must continue with our current lives (work, family, friends, etc.), although not indulge in them, and contribute resources to eventually build the civilization.
    Realpolitik (pragmatism) is of utmost importance.
    As per the above point, the nature and structure (function, hierarchy, etc.) of the civilization is to be decided by pragmatism. Whatever is best for reaching ascension shall be done.
    Once the civilization is established, we must move on from the live we have lived previously to work on it.

You don't have to follow this 100%, just do the best you can.

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All credit for this site goes to Arkhos Winter, I suck at HTML btw.